
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Bone in Pork Loin and Spaetzel

Yesterday was a fun cook. I don’t know if it was because I like doing pork loins; or that fellow pellet head and friend Sandman shared a good buy with me. This little over 5 pound 7 rib bone in loin only cost me $6.11!

I had done one before but I went with a fellow pellethead, Teesquare’s temps and times on one he did. The bone in loin comes with ribs and part of the back bone. I think a good butcher can crack the bones for you so you could cut it like pork chops. For this one I had decided to just cut the loin out after it was done and save the bones & meat for some good pork and beans later.

I brined the loin overnight with a simple salt & sugar brine. I would keep my seasoning simple too, a coat of molasses, salt, pepper and dried garlic flakes. For pepper I use a four pepper corn blend, red, white, green and black in a pepper mill. I made a mix of ½ pint water, 2 Tbs. molasses, and 1 Tbs. Worcestershire to mop with.

I got the loin on, bone side down, at 180 deg. for 1 hour. 275 deg. for a second hour then went to 325 to finish. I moped at 1 hour, 1 ½ hour, and 2 hours. Total cook time was 2 hours and 20 minutes for an IT of 148 deg.

I tented the roast and in the oven for 45 min. to rest. I had left the membrane on the ribs so removed it before I cut the loin out. Then the bones went back on the smoker at 350 deg. for 20 minutes to brown up the cut side some. I thought this would enhance the flavor of my pork and beans some.

The first one I did I had a little trouble cutting the loin out, this one went better. I started on the rib end and with a boning knife cut to the end of the ribs, then I turned it over to the back bone to finish.

For my supper I had some spaetzel and Green Giant honey Dijon carrots as sides. I use my favorite store bought spaetzel, boiled and then in a skillet with some butter and olive oil to brown and crisp up some. The carrots were in a steamer bag and nuked. Tasted great, my grandson who loves carrots, raw or cooked with a little butter said these taste funny Grampa, they’re a little sweet. I think he would prefer plain.

Finished Loin

The loin

Bone side

Seasoned and ready to smoke

After 1 hour

After 1 1/2 hours

Loin cut out

Cut side of bones

Bone side and you can see the cook took a sample!

Cut side after browning

My favorite spaetzel

Spaetzel browning

My Plate

Smokin Don

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