
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Pellet Smoker Chicken Salad

Another hot day today 103 deg. Look forward to tomorrow, a high of only 89! I got a chicken spatchcocked and in brining last night, an organic one. I got it on the smoker about 10:00 AM. I did it on smoke 180 deg. for a half hour then went to 325 deg. to finish to an IT of 180 deg. Being spatchcocked I find 180 deg. breast temp. the legs & thighs will be 185 deg. or a little higher.

I let it cool & then in the fridge until I was ready to make the salad. After lunch I removed the skin & chopped up the meat and assembled the salad.

The first batch I made my son thought it needed more mayonnaise and my wife didn’t like the onions. My grandson liked the first batch but when I ask if he wanted me to make some more, he said “but Grampa onions don’t go with chicken”! So I altered the recipe some, added more mayonnaise and toned down the onions to just one slice of onion diced small and some fresh chives from my garden. It needs some onion flavor.

My wife said it was perfect and I liked it. Now all I have to do is see if my son & grandson approve!

Printable Chicken Salad Recipe

The Chicken

Chopping the chicken


Mixed & ready to chill

Served on my Smoked Cajun crackers

Smokin Don

1 comment:

  1. This is a very good recipe, nothing beats smoked chicken for the best chicken salad.
