
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Peaches and Cornbread Dessert

Normally when you think cornbread you don't think of dessert, but when I seen this recipe I knew I had to try it. Basically it's two boxes of Jiffy cornbread mix, mixed per package. One 28 oz. can peaches drained. Mix 1 Tbs. of melted butter, 1/4 cup sugar and 1/2 tsp. cinnamon and stir into the peaches. I used Margaret Holmes OSage peaches. I preheated a 10 inch cast iron skillet, sprayed w/ELOO, added 3/4 of the cornbread mix. Added the peaches to the center then spooned the rest of the cornbread mix over the peaches.

Margaret Holmes peaches are the only canned peaches I have found that taste like home canned peaches. You have to watch, sometimes I find a piece of pit in them.

To make this easier yet one could just use a can of peach pie filling or any fruit filling you like.

If you want to bake this in an oven the recipe said bake at 400 deg. for 30 to 35 minutes.
I baked mine at 325 in my Traeger, that's about 350 at grill level. It took 50 minutes until I thought it was done.

I had this with some vanilla bean ice cream and was delicious. I liked this better than cake with peaches in. The peach mix kind of all settles to the bottom for a gooey crust. My wife said it was good but she would rather have cake.

Peach mix

Peaches added to cornbread mix

Rest of cornbread mix added

On the smoker


My piece with ice cream

This was so good here's another view

Smokin Don


  1. Now this looks delicious and so darn simple.
    A real 'must try' dish!

  2. This was good Joe, the next time I do it there are a couple different brands of cornbread mix that says sweet and may be better than the Jiffy mix. Don
