
Monday, April 23, 2012

Smok'n Spice Sage Sausage

I wasn’t going to cook today, this morning the grandson helped my grind some pork for making sausage. At the last minute I decided to use one of Smokn’ Spices sage Dibby’s on some fresh sausage from my butcher.

I lit it & got the sausage on my Traeger at 4:00. I didn’t get it lit well so had to relight it at 4:10. I got it going well that time. I let the sausage cold smoke until 4:45 so I got some good sage smoke for 35 min. then fired up the smoker on smoke. At 5:00 I went to 180 deg. It was averaging 190+ deg. so let it there until the sausage was at 165 IT at 6:00.

I had started some Zatarains black beans & rice to have with it & also a chicken thigh I had done with the Mediterranean blend the day before. I could taste the spice more in the chicken warmed up & liked the sausage. In a blind taste test I don’t think I could tell you it was sage but I know I could tell it from sausage that was done without. I did like the extra flavor it gave to the sausage.

I like the RSI, reusable better than the Dibby.

Sausage Smoking

After 45 min. I Turned the Smoker on

Sausage is Done

My Plate

Smokin Don

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