
Sunday, November 6, 2016

Pork Chops Fried Potatoes & Applesauce

Nov 06 2016

This has been the wife and I’s favorites over the years; pork chops fried potatoes and applesauce. I used to let her fry the potatoes because it’s one thing she can cook better than me. She always got a nice crisp to most of them.

This was my second cook in my new Stargazer CI skillet. I browned two pork chops in a little lard. They went into a casserole dish. I deglazed the skillet with a little beer and poured over the chops, covered and in a 350 deg. oven while I fried the potatoes.

I sliced the potatoes on a mandolin; a 1/8 inch thick. I soaked them in cold salt water for about 15 minutes then drained and dried with paper towels. I added some more lard to the skillet for the potatoes. I covered them for about 5 minutes then removed it to finish. I didn’t do too bad on the potatoes.

We had some bread and butter with the meal and enjoyed it. It had been a while since we had it.

I am loving my skillet, no sticking at all tonight and cleaned up easy.

Browning the chops

Frying the potatoes

My supper

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