
Monday, February 17, 2014

Artisan no knead bread in 5

2nd loaf from 2nd batch

Feb 16 2014

I had made up my second batch of dough Feb. 07 so the dough had been in the fridge for nine days. I am getting better at cloaking, forming the ball; I did not have to stop and wash my hands while making the ball.

I was also using my stainless steel round peel. I wanted to place the ball right on the peel for the 40 minute rise before baking so I do not have to handle the ball any more than I have to. The first time I had trouble getting it to slide off the peel onto the cast iron griddle to bake. This time I added some flour and a little more cornmeal and had no trouble.

I have baked quite a few loaves of no knead bread using the Jim Lahey method of baking it in a cast iron Dutch oven. I think that with this method you do get a bit harder crust on the bread but the taste and texture is the same to me.

I like the Artisan no knead bread in 5 methods better. You don’t have to start the day before and you don’t have to mess with a heavy Dutch oven. I like the convenience of having dough on hand in the fridge. Sometimes I don’t know what I am cooking for supper until that day and run to the grocery for any needed items. If I start the bread an hour and a half before I have to start prepping for supper I can have a fresh loaf of bread to have too.

The bread

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